What You Need To Know Before Buying Ski Helmets

Are you a ski enthusiast? Probably yes and that is the reason why you are here. If not you may be someone interested in snow sports. Well, if you are a beginner in ski, you will be confused about which helmet to choose. It is not for beginners alone. Since there are hundreds of snow sport helmets available out in the market. It is, of course, a difficult task to pick the right one.
Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each of the helmets is only the way out to buy the right helmet. We all aware of Giro ski helmets and Smith ski helmets. Being the top two helmet manufacturing companies, we aim to compare both and help you with buying advice, so that you can make the perfect choice for you.
Probably once you know the benefits of both the helmets, and difference between both, it will be easy to choose one. This article intends to help all those beginners to educate on the advantages and differences between both the helmets. Read on!
Do I need a helmet?
Yes, if you are into sky or any kind of snow sports, definitely you need a helmet. The main aim of using a helmet is to ensure your safety and you cannot compromise on your safety, be it on any sports.
Chances are always there that you may hit your head on the hard snow and even get brain injuries. You may already have heard of many accidents happening while people engage in ski or other snow sports items. While you ski , you may crash many times. You may hit on trees, snow and even other people who are in the snow. It is always better to use helmets while you are in sky so that the risk level comes down. Practice with helmets of head so that it will always remain a habit to use helmet while you ski and have fun.
Different types of helmets
When you search around the market you may find many models. There are mainly three types of ski helmet styles, which can be named as half shell, full shell and full face.
As the name says it, these different types differ in it looks and gives you different appeal while you wear it. The full faced one will cover the head, ears and mouth and provide a full faced protection as said in the name. The full shell helmets will also cover the face completely includes mouth and ears, however, it is advisable for expert high speed skier. The half shell ski helmets seem to be the most popular one among others. It covers only the head of the users and the ears and mouth will not be inside the helmet. Most of the available helmet models come under this category for its popularity. Somehow, it is always better to know whether it suit your head shape before choosing the one.
Giro ski helmet

Giro is one of the most popular names when it comes to helmets, manufacturing and selling efficient and useful helmets.
Giro has introduced some expensive and light weight models in their ski helmets. The models are known by the name Giro Seam and Giro Montane. They are categorised as in-molded types.
On the other way, the injection molded types will come with lower prices and pretty much affordable for beginners. They will be mostly in rounded or monolithic shapes and less stylish sometimes.
Smith ski helmet

Smith is yet another popular helmet maker and has launched different models in the market. Smith Vantage is one of the most popular models which gives users a warm effect and the venting system is perfect. It is bit expensive however. The Smith Variance is yet another perfectly made helmet.
Differences between Giro ski helmet and Smith ski helmet
Both Giro and Smith have different helmets models which has both and pros and cons. That is why it is difficult to point out which one is better between both. The solution is to refer the models, understand your need and pick the right one.
Which helmet should I choose?
The first step to choosing a ski helmet is to determine your head shape. Your head may be partially oval. Or else, it may be kind of round oval in shape. Understand the shape of your head, after which it will be easy to select the right helmet for your ski session. For example, if you are someone with long oval head, Giro helmets would be a perfect choice. On the other way, if you are someone with round oval head, a Smith helmet may seem like tailor-fit.
There are a few crucial factors to consider before you choose your ski helmet, be it of any kind. However, the major factor to be considered is the comfort factor while you wear it. Here goes the factors to be considered and it would be always better to ask to yourself before you pick up your helmet for ski.
•How fit it is to your head?
•How comfortable you are while you wear it?
•Will it ensure safety?
•How far it is good in weather protection?
•Will it keep me warm?
•What material is it made of?
•Did I double check the model?
•Did I shake my head and check?
•Did I try enough models and styles before choosing the one I need?
•Does that fit into my style?
Get the answers and pick the right one that fits into your head and keep you comfortable and warm, while you enjoy the game of ski.
Which one should I buy?
Simply, buy the one that suits your head. Consider the factors that decide the quality of the helmet. It is all about safety, utility, and style. Both Giro ski helmets and Smith ski helmets include models that is perfect fit and comfortable for your head. However, it differs from people to people. So consider the buying options, check the factors that need to be considered, get the reviews, and make a wise choice. Happy shopping! Enjoy sky!